The Hybrid Annual Global Conference: Memory from Billund 2020
The Global Community Meeting has just ended and, as usual, I continue to feel the set of emotions that it left on me. But this is year was special. Covid forced many of us to stay at home, many restrictions also for those who can travel, the number of infections had...
En abril de este año, a poco de transitar por las restricciones que la pandemia del Covid-19 nos impuso a todos, escribí un artículo en el que señalaba que aferrarse a las actividades presenciales con LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® como única variante válida, y descartar de...
Inteligencia Lúdica, Adaptarse y Avanzar Guiados por Nuestro GPS (SGP)
Hace unos meses, escribí un artículo hablando de la experiencia real con LSP vs la experiencia virtual. Lo que dije era mi punto de vista y sigo creyendo que la experiencia real es diferente a la remota. Sin embargo en medio de esta discusión, nos impactó la pandemia...
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® : démarche de stratégie identifiée par l’Etat français pour se ré-inventer face à la COVID-19 !
En France, depuis le 4 juin 2020 et pour plusieurs semaines encore, la formation « Facilitating and Designing workshops with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method » conçue et dispensée par The Association of Master Trainers in the LSP method, est temporairement prise en charge à...
“The future is uncontrollable …
… but you can shape your participation in it.” This is a quote from Roger L. Martin. You might have heard of him as author, strategist, influencer and/or lecturer. We, meaning Arjan Visser and myself came across his work while working on designing a new workshop and...
In these non expected “home office days” leaders have being challenged to maintain and improve the performance of their collaborators. Most of these leaders were not trained in how to do it, is not easy to provoke that each individual is able to improve their...
Don´t reinvent yet…reconnect first!
At this time and after the arrival of COVID-19, it is normal to listen to people using a word that suddenly appeared and that, although it makes sense and meaning, seems to me to be too hasty to use: REINVENT. REINVENTION suggests starting from absolute zero or making...
The 1.5 meters training – Next Level
Who would have thought that the most important delivery standard of a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop or training would be “Safety First”. Until recently we were talking about delivering elements of play, how to support flow in a workshop, respecting the core process, the...
What to look for in our business, before returning to the “new normal”. During these days, I am having the opportunity to spend time (without rush) with my partners, colleagues, clients and found that no matter the role we have in our professional life, today...
We Need Imagination Now More Than Ever
Recently Per Kristiansen drew my attention to the April issue of Harvard Business Review's article about how pandemics, wars, and other social crises often create new attitudes, needs, and behaviors which need to be managed. The authors believe imagination - the...