The LSP method is defined as a “thinking, communication and problem-solving technique for real groups with real problems in real time.”

At the annual Global Community Meeting in Denmark, October 5 – 6 facilitators from around the world shared and discussed their experiences and exploration of facilitating the process online and still maintain the authenticity of the method.

The measuring stick for success or failure is not whether or not you can do something online that LOOKS like LSP to someone not familiar with LSP. Neither can online facilitation in itself be justified as a way of generating revenue as long as f2f delivery is not possible, because of covid restrictions.

The essential questions comes down to: “In which cases/context can we remotely and online facilitate an experience that is authentic LSP and provides real value to the customer.


Context A:
You are remotely facilitating a group that are already trained in and comfortable with using LSP to help them think, communicate and problem-solve the group’s challenges.

In this situation it is possible to deliver authentic LSP and real value through online facilitation. It requires significant preparation, commitment and discipline on both sides. The shorter the workshop and the less complex a goal the better chances for success.

Context B:
You are remotely facilitating a group that has no prior experience with the LSP method.

In this scenario the first lesson learned is that you can deliver authentic LSP and real value as long as the size of the group you are facilitating is limited to ONE participant.

The second lesson learned is that you can use the online approach as a way to market LSP in that you can give the participants an experience of the power of LSP as thinking and communication technique. The lesson learned is that we in these situation can’t deliver authentic LSP. We can help them imagine the real power in a f2f delivery.

Participant in the Global meeting in Billund, Denmark

Per and Robert