by Rachele Soliera | Dec 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
When I decided to take the certification in LEGO® SEROIUS PLAY®, surfing on the internet, I found another agency that delivered the program in 3 days for a much lower price. I asked my friend and colleague Fabrizio Faraco which was the difference between the two...
by Lucio Margulis | Dec 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
En el 2006, estaba desempleado, cansado de la vida corporativa, del abuso de poder de los líderes que había tenido, de la falta de democracia y respeto por lo diferente en las organizaciones y cansado de vivir separando mis 3 pasiones, el juego, la educación y la...
by GLORIA DE LEON | Dec 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
One of the things that impacted my role as Facilitator was to follow The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Etiquette. For me being Serious as a Facilitator means that: I do not use the method just for fun, entertainment I am not in a workshop to be an Entertainer or become friend...
by Robert Rasmussen | Dec 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method has played a role in Harvard’s executive education curriculum since 2014, and has contributed to valuable insights about what makes customer experiences STICK longterm. Harvard Professor Stefan Thomke began using the LSP methodology...