by Jean-Jacques Felix | Jul 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Prevent groupthink with LSP.Groupthink is when all the members of a collective end up thinking the same. It is a well-known cognitive bias that plays out when the members of a group somehow feel that cohesion is more important than the quality of the decision...
by Jaime Andrès Lòpez Garcìa | Dec 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Sometimes we, as LSP® facilitators, think that we have all the concepts within the methodology fully understood and appropriated, and probably it is like that; but when we dive a little bit deeper, we can undestand things diferently. One clear example is the 4...
by Sybil Stershic | Sep 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
As a fellow LSP facilitator, I’m reaching out with an unusual request to help non-LSP facilitators. I’ve been participating in several online discussions hosted by the all-volunteer Global Facilitators Serving Communities (GFSC) in support of Ukrainian...
by Robert Rasmussen | Jan 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
It was far from random that the Core Process (Question, Build, Share, Reflect) became the operating system driving all applications of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method.We can describe the underlying learning process in the method as LEARNING-BY-MAKING things with LEGO...
by Daniel Faenza | Oct 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Evaluar y seleccionar personas e identificar talentos, es una labor compleja que requiere preparación y entrenamiento. Según el escritor y filósofo estadounidense Elbert Hubbard, el talento de reconocer a los talentosos es incluso algo mas escaso y raro que el talento...
by Jaime Andrès Lòpez Garcìa | Apr 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
After a year and a few more months of living in a “new reality” that turned everything upside down, where the unexpected appeared without even giving a slightest hint (because no one, not even the famous bat, was ready), we should already know which way to...