The answer is simple, and clear: The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method has been open source, or as the official wording is “a community model”, for years.
In some ways it is like coaching, just with a core defined by the LEGO Company. Everyone is free to use it, there are different opportunities in how to be trained in using the method and there are developments in both the training and the delivery of the method.
Historically, there has been three business models, and I have had the pleasure of being involved in all of them since the early days.
1. Executive Discovery (ED). This was the start up where we developed LSP, Bart Victor was CEO, and Robert Rasmussen was COO and leading the development. The business model here was an affiliation agreement with a small, but growing group of partners, typically small and medium sized consultancies. This was the period in which the Imagination Lab did research in how LSP worked. The Lab was a partner of ED, and the researchers were trained by us.
2. LEGO Company. ED got merged into LEGO. Personally, I had the opportunity to lead the team, while Robert continued working with LSP on his own, Bart went back to fully concentrate on his academic career. The business model became a license model. We had to adjust some things and bring the ownership close to LEGO.
3. Open source. In 2010 after a period with organizational changes in LEGO, which also impacted LSP, a task force looked closer at possible business models. I was invited to join, and we looked at a lot of opportunities. The current model was decided upon, LEGO would take a step back, offer the products, and let the community offer both training and facilitation. The company also published an “open source document”. This document, and in it the three-step core process, established a kind of baseline for LSP.
As mentioned above, rather simple, and a set up much like coaching. And, just like in coaching different organizations and companies have developed unique programs in how they train facilitators using the method. At the Association of Master-Trainers, we have our four-day Foundation Training, four step process and seven Application Techniques.